Repaint the Fading Sense of Belonging

Everyone of us, as an individual set out to fulfill one's dreams, at one point or another does feel a sense of disassociation with the one's place in life. He/she thinks , 'Do I really belong here?' or  'As I no longer think this is what I want, is this chase an exercise of futility?'. The idea of getting what we always wanted seems to shift to the back burners. We pray, 'God, show us the way'. Did God change the course of our dream chase while we were planning? We don't know, but we are impatient for a fix.
There is a simple solution to our gripe. Think about the first time you ever wanted that special place in life. Think about the intensity with which you craved for that place. If your heart quivers and demurs, there is your answer. If you didn't want it bad, you didn't want it at all. Remember there is a God of need in every one of us. He helps us, gives us incentive when we aspire something great with even greater sense of belonging. The point is not realizing His presence because He is immutable, inviting you to  bigger doors of ambition every second, even when you are asleep. The point is realizing that there are so many of us, wanting the exact same place for ourselves. Therefore, set out for a quest only if your heart (your God) is in it so badly that you outdo others. There is not a dearth of dreams and places either. Give your dreams time when it is imperative to do so, that when you feel He speaks in you, for you.


The Tide of Discovery

The Knowledge encompasses three states, intertwining into two. Discovery, preservation and the next discovery.The sea is surrounded by the earth where numerous items are lying, waiting to be known and befriended by the sea and its folk.The sea vaguely understands its boundaries, and knows when to break them. They are Inseparable. The earth tries to give it company and wants to mix into it from the withering fringes of sand. The sea reciprocates the call of company in its own compulsive ways. Umpteen tides rise from stillness by a sheer force of curiosity and affinity towards the land. They Twirl their way towards it and in the fleeting second, they reach their destination. This is the portal of discovery, a land full of mysterious new objects and creatures. The tides take some of them away and preserve them at the bottom of their depths. The cycle repeats itself as the tides yearn for more from the promise of proximity. They never stop discovering. The enthusiasm never fades as the discovery triggers a new one. Thus it is imperative for us to learn that there are no boundaries in the way of knowledge. The ones which seem, are the part of knowledge itself, befriending it from the closest of fringes like the boundaries of sea. They merge into it and emerge like difficulties. It is where the mysteries sit. So never hold back from a difficulty in the way of knowledge as it is nothing but a ground for mysterious discoveries.


God: The Purpose of Search

Belief in Him is a tower of cards. Sometimes it crumbles from the edges. It doesn't hurt much as the withering of confidence in Him remains at a subliminal level. But often the wind of disbelief blows so devastatingly fast that the the existence of the tower remains just a speculation.
We need to remember that it is nothing but life's purpose to see the rise and fall of belief. Our life is but an experience of miracles. Some day there will be a taller tower of cards, this hope brings confidence back. Of course miracles happen rarely they say but it is just the eye that can make us see miracles in the smallest of realms.
Remember, belief is never a shared thing like a fable, to express over in a conversation. It is a very personal point of view, like a never-before-seen vantage point to observe the sun rise and set in wonderment. Therefore there is no way for you to make anyone else see what you see. It is a sad reality, but everyone is destined to find one vantage point or other, with a different quotient of miracle.
As the one to experience this rise and fall, you may never find the end of the thought 'Does he really exist?' but you are a worthy recipient of confidence, in yourself, in your life's purpose of finding Him.
In this game of chase, it doesn't matter who finds Him first or who builds a bigger tower because it is going to be just you to see it, but the miracle is that you will never lose confidence in yourself.
That is the purpose, your gift.


Truth Ego Fear

Truth, ego or fear, which one would you pick as an ingredient for the concoction of your mood today?
These three form a majority of our mood in daily life, but nobody thinks about their relationship or implications on one's surroundings. It would be candid of me to vaguely specify them first because these are also the three very intermingled and indulgent feelings. Another thought, does anybody need to indulge in truth? I don't know really, but one should occasionally. Not because it is important to do so, but for it is indispensable. 
Truth is the thing you generally avoid opening a door to. It first lurks like a growing storm outside your house. The walls reek of ego as the water from outside starts to ooze its way inside. Then while you are still under the blanket of fear avoiding its pounding, trying to sleep, it bashes the walls with a splintering bang. It finds its way in anyhow. There remains nothing to reckon or negotiate.
Now the relationship between these is simple. Truth increases fear and diminishes ego. Fear diminishes truth and increases ego. Ego is a bastard. It creates a fancy atmosphere as it falsely increases the sense of truth and diminishes the fear.
It helps you build the house back. It helps you sleep at night. Why wouldn't you go for ego? Yes you would. 
Alas! You would.