Some of these days are meant to be 'special' in a way that they involve friends going away, drifting farther to a shattering possibility that they may never see you again. It is soothing enough that this is a thin possibility & to think that they may meet you in future, at one of the anticipated coincidences meant to revive your friendship.
Sadness once seated into mind, grips it for a long time. It is better not to think about the 'going-away' with such negativity surrounding it.
Still, days pass with the odd feeling of alienation. New friends seem just a cheap replacement. For the fragile ones of us, days get shorter and the nights, endless. Walking down the same road, going back to the same place traces eerie & all consuming doubts about acceptance.
Believe, at those moments that..
True friendship is never affected by distance. It is this testing stone that sets it apart from other type of relationships. It is never meant to be a weakness because the degree of compassion & wish of well being for a friend, grows with the distance, just like the horizon becomes clearer with the distant, descending sun.