Premonition, a crafted delusion, a spurious, made up thought. No. A premonition is the cipher of God. It is the divine tool and should be treated with respect. It is the element of dwindling existence. It comes and goes. What remains is the state of conclusion or confusion. A state of conclusion is reached if the premonition is given ample time and space in the mind with a carefully nurturing thought process. It is shaken off by hypocrites of practicality. Those people have no clue of the recent future as they have labelled the thought as to have oozed out of the woodwork. These people who have substituted what could have been their cherished foresight with a run-of-the-mill thought from the conveyor belt of pragmatism are foolish. The people who call themselves practical in life should lend an ear to the muffled sound from the other end of the call. They must follow their foresight, that first fragile thought whose roots sway deep into the ocean of likelihood. Premonition is the consequence of experience. It is one single tenuous beam of clarity that shines upon us from within the ocean of possibilities. That one beam must be chased, and consolidated through new experiences.
A premonition is never really meant to herald the truth. It is mere the glimpse of what could be true. It is meant to be chased as many times, it harbingers clear, unspoiled fact which could have remained unseen if it wasn't for experience. There is no gift of foresight really. Just the ability gathered through time which enables an individual to take a dip into the ocean of possibilities and clearly see some of them flickering with the white light of truth. The future lies with narrowing the ocean down to a handful of possibilities. Such virtuoso is our mind. The future stands right on the brim of the ocean, like an insular shore, waiting. Waiting earnestly for you to hit its sun bathed earth with a foamy white tide of discovery. This tide is premonition. Not easily to distinguish, not easy to ride...but fun to chase until it dissolves into other possibilities and drifted into oblivion.