The Knots of Resolution

Resolutions are tiny figments of our idealistic imagination that keep us happy in the holidays with the warmth of positivity and grit that they breathe into our real life, a life where only some promises are kept, and the rest forgotten. Resolutions are promises to self, to advance us constantly towards doing anything or averting a bad habit. Each line in the page of resolutions is a small packet of incentive to fuel good work through the next year. Each of these are adorned on the tree of festivity each year along with the others, like tiny pieces of red cloth tied into knots symbolizing memory and stability. If a knot is low on strength, it slips off into the darkness of the tree itself, or blown away by the wind. The promises which are unknowingly abandoned are left loose into the flurry of forgetfulness. This cold, snowy wind never returns anything that is given to it, not even a faint sense of remembrance of what is lost.
There is nothing that we really keep, from the promising tree, apart from a sense of speculation that some promise existed. 
 The same inspirations left loose never come back next year, the tree and the wind may. Faith allows us to preserve our inspirations into a beautiful tree symbolizing life, but real life is too cruel to let all the inspirations tied in the same place, next year.
What we need to remember is that each of these red knots of faith and belief are as necessary to a tree as the forgotten resolutions to us. We cannot really avoid losing them, but we can avoid not believing in what good they could do to us.