Answers, Don't Matter

Mind is a sky. A clear, open eye takes its enormous dimension into it, imbibing its contents like a cherished perspective.
Kites, resembling to thoughts fly about at the brim of its soaring endlessness, taming its pride with their determination to scale it.
Is holding on to a thought only a matter of commitment? Some thoughts are shrugged off on the grounds of their unconventional and unusual structure. This is just that, our insecurity and inertia to think beyond what society or environment allows us to. Then it is negation of the purpose of the thought, whose wish is just to fly and reach the farthest, trigger new questions and see the unseen.
Through this flow of thoughts you realize something, that it is not the answers that we need all the time. It is more important that we are questioning ourselves, that we are finding new ones all the time without coming to answers of the previous ones.
For the new year, think about how many path breaking questions arose in your mind through the year. It is not important that you found their answers, it is important that you asked yourselves those. That was the purpose of thoughts, to engage you into meaningful questions. Just let them climb the boundaries this new year and see where they take you..
Maybe you'll realize the fun in just flying that kite.