The Way of the Sword

There was a time in my childhood when I was fascinated with a small pretend brass sword at my uncle's house. It seemed big to my eyes at that time, with its holster covering its shine just to snatch my chance of beholding all of it in amazement. To my surprise it wasn't sharp, as if to seize me out of the enigma whenever I thought it was real. It used to give me fleeting delusions of royalty. That trumpery with no use at all!
A gradual realization took over the perception of royalty I used to associate with the sword . It was bravery. This replacement came unintentionally and naturally when it occured to me that royalty is secondary to heroism. Royalty coalesces with bravery but never becomes a part of it. It remains ulterior to the concept of bravery. Bravery can only be embellished with sacrifice, not kingdom. 
Valiance possesses this ethereal feel to it that it remains above all, without mixing with emotions, love, belief, even 'life'. This non-attachment is unique and thus a sword has one holster and only one keeper. It is thus the adornment of the unworldly, of those who dare to bare their worthy lives on the spur of a moment. 
Heroism is Godly, inside us all just waiting to be kindled by some brass sword of wistfulness.

A Brief Analysis of Time

Time is what there has always been, and will be, shifting the shadows of the trees with an unpleasing overtone of taunt behind its back saying "how well you used me!". In an exam, just a squint at the clock makes us uneasy to the core. Why does time bear such a bitter taste?
Observation of time in the past is neither easy nor worthwhile. It makes us question our memory, our decisions. For just a glob of inky dark regret existing between the pages of the closed book of past, recollection of memories becomes an exercise which only brings out sadness like inundation on a river over an old splintered bridge, long traveled by.
How to fight this hushed mockery that the rustling of time produces whenever it passes bare ears?
It is almost inexorable to let go of the brickbat when time is passing with no actions being taken.
Our suffering and stunted mind reaches a new diversion, where the sign reads in happy red 'TIME 0'. This is because it is never too late to start. There is a reboot of time after time ends. It contradicts its own mockery with an inspiring new beginning.
This secret diversion of road is what we call 'a point of view'. Time doesn't know angles. It gets defeated by point of view :)


Buddha : A Quote

Man has always found inspiration in nature.
It was hard not to relay this wonderful quote I read;
 "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine."
Moon symbolizes a very tranquil, placid mind. With almost incredulous clarity it paints the picture of an ideal human life in a very direct and unreserved way. There are many perspectives to visualize the existence of the moon. One of these is to look at the bright side and find inspiration. It is about the calmness and light. The moon reflects what comes to it as if that light was exuding from itself. It signifies how open and reflective our life should be at times. As the moon dims and gets veiled in darkness with time, it propagates the message of cruel and dark nights ahead. But essentially early, it starts to constantly brighten up the earth with its glistening beauty, as if to make us know that there can be light before the destined time of sunrise. That there is a glowing light, still persevering the dark no matter how far the hour is from the time first sun ray scintillates the morbid water. 
Imperfections are engraved in the stony soul of the moon like wild truth, baring its minutest detail. The point is never to run away or flinch because what we observe is what we keep. And what we keep is what we become.

Revel of the Lights

Lights seem to deluge our vision with wonderful realizations, both negative and positive. Some are shimmering like the lamps swimming in the river of Ganges, holding us a tether of hope as they dwindle away into the night. Some yield raw truth, so bright with ardor they blind us the moment we come in their way, alarming us of our inactivity and unresponsiveness to our values. Some are just sparkles, lasting for the tiniest of the moments an eye can witness. They have no time to explain to us what they are upto. They are just here for fun, to keep us guessing as they put us in a trance of bewilderment. What is that we seek in the lights of the world outside? We seek the light of inspiration. We seek our share. It is not  like the inspiration isn't around us, the perception and openness are the factors. Inspiration is everywhere, in the embodiment of heroes of Godly qualities whom we adore with all our dedication.
But it is the light inside that we should behold. Our dreams, where we want to be, who we want to be are the worthy realizations. There is a whole celebration of wistfulness going on in our dreams, full of light of hope. We just need to behold and believe. 
Believing is the half the road traveled. Let the celebration outside make you see the light of your dreams.


The Wonder of You

There are times in everyone's life where one is heavily confused and distracted. Good time seems to swerve its streamlined path short and meander into the dark alleys of nowhere. Uncertainty clouds the decisions, make them seem like the fringing ends of forgotten promises. A time when the frozen mind is far from kindling. A bizarre scene of fading hope.
How does one hold it together? Where is that energy that can keep questions alive? Is there anyone there to lend an ear? No. There is only you. The thought gives us shivers in the lonely nights but it is true. Then isn't it just another way to sink into bluish coldness, into depression further and further? In fact no. It is the beginning of a spark which will eventually aerify the opaque ice of stupor. The bitter realization of 'it is only you' to lend an ear to yourself is an inexplicable source of self confidence. It seems to return the command of the horses to you after days of abdication. It makes you self reliant as you tend to comprehend the hidden positivity and see the dice of thought change meaning from the phrase 'nobody can hear me' to 'nobody can affect me'.
The only source is you. There has never been anybody else. Confusion arises when there are two things to concern about. Where does the confusion land its legs now when there is only one thing? 
An insight shoots itself out of the depths into an expression of confidence. It's the wonder of you.


Glory in Confession

Forgiveness holds a very grand unearthly quality in it. Hearts of the Lords appear to having been made out of an incense which when lights up wafts the entire human company with the scent of kindness. This attribute belongs to the one in power. The offender of lesser power is the supplicant. Being a supplicant possesses some muted kind of glory of its own. He has come to a point to comprehend his mistake and understands the terms of confrontation. He thinks this burgeoned quality is something of a development in his character. A big step for him.
If a person is even figuratively aware that he possesses a quality which has helped him transcend the ego and construe that another person was right and he was wrong then he can go long way. The whole act of quarrel and forgiveness is just woven around it, like a plot of Godly complexity, just to help him understand that he has a quality to judge himself. This quality makes the adjuring person noble and unique.
If the forgiver is always a forgiver, it never works out big for him because he never gets to develop this unique insight to judge himself. He never gets a chance to understand that he could be able to know he was wrong and the other was right. Nonetheless, upon pardoning he becomes entitled to the honor of being kind. Being the man of power spoils him from inside. But the hero is the beseecher who appraises himself and faces the head bending in front of the mob.

In Search For Peace

Peace eludes. Like the dry and withered leaves cling to the autumn wind as if in search for a better place but end up on the ground, floundering for an answer and eventually turning into a clump of soil. The most successful people have been heard saying that their life was everything but peaceful.
What does surround peace? Peace encompasses three things, a question, an answer and a subsequent search. It is the attribute of present and only present. While surmising the future, we see that the idea of peace fades and gets clouded by various contingencies. Ascertaining the status of peacefulness for the future is tedious and outright absurd because you are never aware what comes along while you are dreaming of it,walking on a fairy tale road of wistfulness. In retrospection, the recollection of peaceful moments gets shrouded in the cloak of doubt. You cannot possibly rummage there too because a peaceful memory is like the art in a museum. It can be debilitating just to fumble about with it because a search for peace can result in incessant over-examination and later into pluming of questions asking 'whether there was anything peaceful about that memory at all'. 
It doesn't matter how far you consider you have reached in search for this mystical object, you are right there, questioning yourself- "Are you peaceful now??" and your answer is no as you created tensions for future by tampering with the fabric of possibilities and you distorted the sculpted memories into grimaces of doubt. 
This time or other you discover that peace is not to discover. It is about cherishing what life gives you that moment, that time, and living best with it.

Encumbered Nature

Nature, translated in flora and fauna around us has been like a towering tree of hope whose burgeoning branches cut through the sheath of doubt and emerge on the other side of consciousness where the gleaming sunlight of enlightenment awaits us. Nature has been present in both the forms, being a way as well as the destination. Wise men have always found their God in the lap of nature.
This perception and love of nature is rooted deep into our consciousness. It doesn't advertise its presence, just lies dormant until this tree within us sees its share of sunshine. This perception, is a sapling in itself, having arisen from the grounds of subtlety. There is a need to nurture, a need to have a resolute way of taking care of it. It doesn't harm anybody to let this tenuous creation grow into an edifice, but it is abominable to kill it or even ignore it. What we are witnessing today precariously is the demolition of this structure in our consciousness.
Consciousness in memory works like a stack. We are being willfully stormed at by the gadgets and paraphernalia to aid our work and memory these days. Be it our faithful servants, the mobile phones etc., possess their own consciousness and we interact with them.
The point being, are we really aware how these things are making us forget our nature? No. We supposedly add the perception and awareness of their presence in our consciousness. This weighs down on the perception of nature already ensconced at the base. It is constantly being stacked up by the awareness of the artificial consciousness these things boast of. It still suddenly seeps through memory to the top of conscious mind when we see a beautiful sight of evening sunlight prancing upon the trees.A flash of our primordial love for nature which spurs the question of our belonging and responsibility.
A glimpse of clarity.

God of Forthrightness

Spirituality is the effort of finding an answer in the fleeting mist of questions and laying entire trust in it just like a son clutches his mother's finger. The belief is very elementary, guileless. By the time when the pendulum of life sways to indicate adulthood, we have become completely devoid of childlike curiosity towards a question and straightforwardness towards an answer.
When as an adult, we are groping about the premise of a question related to credibility, sometimes it takes too long for us to conclude. We become prone to thinking too much about an issue because our brain capacity has expanded many folds since childhood, and it seems like a compulsion rather than a point of reason to do so. There is social pressure hiding behind compulsion. We become recalcitrant even to admit we are unable to infer and are happy without an answer. This search is no longer driven by innate inquisitiveness and does not lead to an artless solution. It is our cruel self that keeps us from being happy about a no-answer issue. It keeps battering until we either hide our happiness and regard the question as a non-issue or fake a solution. Spirituality lies in admitting that we cannot know everything that is in or around us. It is in the straightforwardness of admittance and release from ambiguity.
When we believe in ourselves and instinctively find the answer for us in a forward way, we leave no time for us to whimper about previous mistakes and cursing the situation as to have resulted from them.
There is no need to stay in disbelief as God clearly shows a way whenever we take a straightforward look at issues. He does not answer to those sitting in anticipation of miracles, to those who wait too long for an answer with stubbornness to test his presence. Discover with curiosity and carry forward with forthrightness. Happiness lies in doing whatever is to be done with curiosity and forgetting.