Lights seem to deluge our vision with wonderful realizations, both negative and positive. Some are shimmering like the lamps swimming in the river of Ganges, holding us a tether of hope as they dwindle away into the night. Some yield raw truth, so bright with ardor they blind us the moment we come in their way, alarming us of our inactivity and unresponsiveness to our values. Some are just sparkles, lasting for the tiniest of the moments an eye can witness. They have no time to explain to us what they are upto. They are just here for fun, to keep us guessing as they put us in a trance of bewilderment. What is that we seek in the lights of the world outside? We seek the light of inspiration. We seek our share. It is not like the inspiration isn't around us, the perception and openness are the factors. Inspiration is everywhere, in the embodiment of heroes of Godly qualities whom we adore with all our dedication.
But it is the light inside that we should behold. Our dreams, where we want to be, who we want to be are the worthy realizations. There is a whole celebration of wistfulness going on in our dreams, full of light of hope. We just need to behold and believe.
Believing is the half the road traveled. Let the celebration outside make you see the light of your dreams.