Buddha : A Quote

Man has always found inspiration in nature.
It was hard not to relay this wonderful quote I read;
 "Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine."
Moon symbolizes a very tranquil, placid mind. With almost incredulous clarity it paints the picture of an ideal human life in a very direct and unreserved way. There are many perspectives to visualize the existence of the moon. One of these is to look at the bright side and find inspiration. It is about the calmness and light. The moon reflects what comes to it as if that light was exuding from itself. It signifies how open and reflective our life should be at times. As the moon dims and gets veiled in darkness with time, it propagates the message of cruel and dark nights ahead. But essentially early, it starts to constantly brighten up the earth with its glistening beauty, as if to make us know that there can be light before the destined time of sunrise. That there is a glowing light, still persevering the dark no matter how far the hour is from the time first sun ray scintillates the morbid water. 
Imperfections are engraved in the stony soul of the moon like wild truth, baring its minutest detail. The point is never to run away or flinch because what we observe is what we keep. And what we keep is what we become.