How does one hold it together? Where is that energy that can keep questions alive? Is there anyone there to lend an ear? No. There is only you. The thought gives us shivers in the lonely nights but it is true. Then isn't it just another way to sink into bluish coldness, into depression further and further? In fact no. It is the beginning of a spark which will eventually aerify the opaque ice of stupor. The bitter realization of 'it is only you' to lend an ear to yourself is an inexplicable source of self confidence. It seems to return the command of the horses to you after days of abdication. It makes you self reliant as you tend to comprehend the hidden positivity and see the dice of thought change meaning from the phrase 'nobody can hear me' to 'nobody can affect me'.
The only source is you. There has never been anybody else. Confusion arises when there are two things to concern about. Where does the confusion land its legs now when there is only one thing?
An insight shoots itself out of the depths into an expression of confidence. It's the wonder of you.