Answers, Don't Matter

Mind is a sky. A clear, open eye takes its enormous dimension into it, imbibing its contents like a cherished perspective.
Kites, resembling to thoughts fly about at the brim of its soaring endlessness, taming its pride with their determination to scale it.
Is holding on to a thought only a matter of commitment? Some thoughts are shrugged off on the grounds of their unconventional and unusual structure. This is just that, our insecurity and inertia to think beyond what society or environment allows us to. Then it is negation of the purpose of the thought, whose wish is just to fly and reach the farthest, trigger new questions and see the unseen.
Through this flow of thoughts you realize something, that it is not the answers that we need all the time. It is more important that we are questioning ourselves, that we are finding new ones all the time without coming to answers of the previous ones.
For the new year, think about how many path breaking questions arose in your mind through the year. It is not important that you found their answers, it is important that you asked yourselves those. That was the purpose of thoughts, to engage you into meaningful questions. Just let them climb the boundaries this new year and see where they take you..
Maybe you'll realize the fun in just flying that kite.


Why is it Hard to Look in the Eye of a Beggar?

I saw a beggar around the corner of a street some days ago. Rarely has anybody seen them. Years of development have been frozen for those dejected by the community. Even if a curious squinting of the eyes reveal the raw and gloomy human condition to us, on its face, with gaze averted we pretend to be busy in our demanding lives. Ah, the lives of trance. It is too hard to get away from work and family to have a clear perception of anything else. Well, we can't be fully denied of such an excuse because to pretend is a human condition too, far too prevalent than penury.
I wondered what was there so repulsive in the eyes of that beggar. Upon meeting of the eyes a shearing sense of embarrassment and guilt would surface, a guilt so large that consumes the whole of sympathy for that poor creature of God and makes us walk away.
It is nothing but our insensitivity to the obvious truth of life. It is our own frailty. We all are beggars here. It is just the matter of degree which separates us from those impoverished and devastated. It is about losing the cloak of unaccounted status that we wear all the time to save us from embarrassment. It is about opening our eyes and have them meet with those deserted of happiness, pleading for first love.


The Knots of Resolution

Resolutions are tiny figments of our idealistic imagination that keep us happy in the holidays with the warmth of positivity and grit that they breathe into our real life, a life where only some promises are kept, and the rest forgotten. Resolutions are promises to self, to advance us constantly towards doing anything or averting a bad habit. Each line in the page of resolutions is a small packet of incentive to fuel good work through the next year. Each of these are adorned on the tree of festivity each year along with the others, like tiny pieces of red cloth tied into knots symbolizing memory and stability. If a knot is low on strength, it slips off into the darkness of the tree itself, or blown away by the wind. The promises which are unknowingly abandoned are left loose into the flurry of forgetfulness. This cold, snowy wind never returns anything that is given to it, not even a faint sense of remembrance of what is lost.
There is nothing that we really keep, from the promising tree, apart from a sense of speculation that some promise existed. 
 The same inspirations left loose never come back next year, the tree and the wind may. Faith allows us to preserve our inspirations into a beautiful tree symbolizing life, but real life is too cruel to let all the inspirations tied in the same place, next year.
What we need to remember is that each of these red knots of faith and belief are as necessary to a tree as the forgotten resolutions to us. We cannot really avoid losing them, but we can avoid not believing in what good they could do to us.


On the Loser's Side

Life is full of impressive people. People who possess tools of sleight, to inveigle you into their charming outlook. They proclaim their power, their win. They hail it. They feel nothing is wrong about it. Neither do you, at the moment, when you join them after being a spectator of their thriving win over the other side, the ones who are eventually abandoned over the thought that they would never cope up and fight back or even win. Those people did not appear impressive enough at the moment when you, decided to be on one of the sides. It was not much of a decision as it was more of a predisposition towards the winning side.
Why is it always the winners, the momentarily more impressive people, that the mob takes side of? Why are the losers left alone by the spectators and even their own people, to just dream of eating the fruits of cornucopia? A Loser has no companion. All he has is a stiffened ego, not willing to amend, only at first.
It takes courage to back a loser, to give him a shoulder and a hand, but it is where you really understand the other side, the winning side. You should take the solitude, the loneliness as an opportunity to talk to yourself. The winner will never get this chance. The mob will surround him, bathe him with deafening adoration that would muffle his inner voice for long. The Loser will hear what the heart has to say, in the loneliness. He will see what it takes. He will change himself and his friend towards good.
From change come wonders.


Should You Enjoy Certainty?

There are a lot of moments in life where one is very certain about something good. Many things, not one, seem to fall right into place as if the coming events were part of God's routine work, destined to happen with a clockwork precision. What do these certainties entail? Is there actually a real clarity in the individual's perspective to see through the sheath of time and revel about the favorable result?
There are two kinds of certainties reveled by an individual. One is of endeavor-originated; Those contingencies that arise as a result of work of commitment and diligence. Another is the superficial one, having been deliberately firmed up to support hope, which later turns out to be a mirage. Both of them make us happy beforehand, about the good things to come. To be hopeful is a completely different thing than to be certain as it doesn't involve the scientific analysis of possibilities and it is a matter of inclination.
There is no real revel in revelation beforehand. It is in the anticipation and hope. Thus you should take certainty with equipoise and enjoy hope. 
Certainty of events has no adventure. The adventure lies with being hopeful.


The Wishes of Unity

Wishes are like seagulls. They migrate from the sea-limited islands, leaving them forlorn and forgotten to newer vistas whenever the season comes. Wishes transcend the boundaries set by need and always, need is the one to be left behind. The slow moving tortoise of need didn't win the race here it seems. It has been  left behind  by the gulls, on the island to aimlessly amble up the rocks and search for a rabbit to compete with!
Why do wishes surface in the season of festivals? The truth is, they don't. At least not just then. They never surface on an individual's mind as they are always there like the dormant seeds which by the promise of human company, start growing. 
Wishes are mutual, even if we don't notice. They might seem to be only ours but they do encompass a lot of lives, which in coordination make ours come true. Never feel guilt of being selfish in wishing as you might not have noticed, the wishes interconnect us, make us coordinated towards working for each other. As per the paradigm, by wishing for a bike this christmas, you might be making your friends wish the same, or indirectly making the bike-makers wish for a record sale!
Wishes that seem selfish, if not conceived to harm anyone, only unite us. Unity makes up a festival.