The Anonymous Inspiration

We all are inspired by something or someone in our lives. We are inspired to change the way we live,  see things differently & react & in a way different than we normally do. The process of inspiration doesn't stop just there. It is the constant force of life which uplifts us, makes us stand up again after a fall. It is the element of learning, which is the ultimate purpose of living.
Inspiration is the air of change. It directs us to witness the events in our lives with an altered perspective, to move in a different, unseen direction.
We are attracted towards inspiring people, as our mind is curious to know the dimension of life they have seen. But we confuse inspirational people with successful people. Inspiration isn't something that originates in a person once he/she has achieved success, it is anonymous. It has a source in anything & everything, in the  abundance of God. It is the part of the something unearthly, of spirit that has been living forever. That is why deceased people also inspire us. They give us something from the beyond, a ray of light.
Inspiration does reside in the past & the present but it is only in the present that manifests it into some concrete action towards change. As one convert inspiration into actions, one witnesses more of the former.
A stranger walking on the street would sometimes manage to inspire more than the people you've lived your whole life with.
It doesn't matter if you know the person completely. All that matters is that there is certain similarity of situation & a room for change & it will work its charm.