The Moment of Revelation

Our life is a string of moments which signify the transition from present to future. They are the bridges of reality connecting the present to the future, on which the mind walks. Some of those are very emphatic or life-changing, whose magnitude definitively outshines the others. Once the being experiences that change, its perception gets altered, thus afterwards, everything around it seems to have changed in a good or bad way. Every little thing starts to mean in a different way.  For example, the coming of the result for an exam which would be a turning point of one's life if one succeeds. The moment before the result is announced, i.e. the present is filled with anxiety & desperation. The future depends entirely on how you cross that bridge, your outlook towards how you want to live after this moment has passed.  It could be full of happiness & cheers or of sadness & despair. Calmness in the moments of typical anxiety will result in the fixation of such outlook throughout the future. Calmness will make the present peaceful as well as the future, if disappointing, livable. Live the present without the anticipation of future. You wouldn't know when it arrived & you'll still be the same composition, without any wear & tear; a traveler, going towards another wormhole.


A Connection for Eternity

Conception of a new consciousness is the most rewarding of all the creations. It is a rebirth of the mother. She creates a structure which will have it's own cognizance, in which she'll see her own image, her own principles being mirrored back. In this connection of spirits that will last forever, she remains a repertoire of serenity, of hope that flows from her to the child like a warm stream of water, whose source is within her, yet so beyond her. The flow remains steady even when her child is miles away from her.
For her whole life, this very bond will be cherished & nurtured. It will never break & remain invulnerable to prejudices & betrayal from others & even from her own child.
The Mother becomes the first teacher. She inculcates all that is good & bad into her child's tender perception, so he could be safe in matters of choice & decisions.She is the guiding light, in the night that is life. Her light of love & company scintillates into the darkened, secret corners of her child's mind & he reveals to her every happening, every secret & never tries to hide anything. When she talks tough & scolds, it is certain that she'll smile at the end.
To the one that has given us the gift of life, an open sky & a roof. 
May she always be safer & closer than she is now. 
Happy Mothers Day